2nd Quarter Meeting 31 May 2025, 8:30 AM to 2:00PM, Canaan Valley Resort State Park, WV
Lodging available in rooms or cabins. A block of 10 rooms is reserved at a discount of $119 + fee/tax for Friday Night if you book before 30April25. You can call the resort at 304-866-2208. A direct link to reserve is coming soon. PISPWV will have an Ice Breaker Event Friday evening.
Booking link: https://www.canaanresort.com/book-now?pid=24269
Group ID Code: 10748G
Booking Directions:
Enter Check In, Check Out Dates
Add Special Code in the Box under Group Code: 10748G
Click Search, Select Room Type, Enter Contact Information
You can always call 304 866 4121 ext. 7701 and mention the conference
name or same code to book their reservation as well.
3rd Quarter Meeting 23 August 2025, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Cass Scenic Railroad State Park & Green Bank, WV
Lodging available at Cass Company Houses. Share a house with friends or family. Additional lodging available at Snow Shoe, WV.
4th Quarter Meeting 22 November 2025, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, North Bend State Park, WV
The group rate for the rooms per night is 118.79. For the rate call the front desk at 304-643-2931 ext 0, and ask for a room in the group block under PISPWV, otherwise if the reservations are made online it will be a higher rate. Rooms reserved under PISPWV until 30 days prior. PISPWV will have an Ice Breaker Event Friday evening.
1st Quarter Meeting 07 February 2026, Charleston, VW
2nd Quarter Meeting 16 May 2026, Tygart Lake State Park, WV
3rd Quarter Meeting 8 August 2026, Cacapon Resort State Park, WV
4th Quarter Meeting 10 October 2026 Chief Logan State Park, WV
1st Quarter 15 March 2025, 8:30 AM to 4:00PM Class 1 Firearms Training and Shooting Qualification, Charleston, WV
1st Quarter 26 January 2024, 11AM to 12PM, Virtual Zoom Meeting
2nd Quarter 11 May 2024, 11AM to 4:30PM, State Scenic Train Ride Elkins, WV
3rd Quarter 10 August 2024, 10AM to 2PM, Twin Falls State Park, WV
4th Quarter 16 October Virtual 6PM - 8PM